Dekan FISIP UB Kunjungi Polandia, Lakukan Monev kepada Mahasiswa IISMA 2024
Siswa SMA Pramita Tangerang Tertarik Lanjutkan Pendidikan di FISIP UB
Mahasiswa Ilmu Pemerintahan Raih Gelar Mawapres Muda Utama FISIP
Mahasiswa HI UB Resmi Menjadi Mawapres Utama FISIP
Antusias Siswa Hingga Gelak Tawa saat SMAN 1 Wates Kediri Kunjungi FISIP UB
FISIP Berduka, Ketua Program Studi S3 Ilmu Sosiologi Meninggal Dunia




To become a superior department that plays an active role in community development through the process of education, research and service as well as being a center for scientific information in the field of sociology based on social and cultural wisdom.



In an effort to realize the Vision, the Department of Sociology FISIP-UB has the following Mission:

  1. Realizing the Department as a center of excellence in the field of Sociology of Development, Environment and Media with international standards As a process for efforts towards a world class university, in line with the mission of Universitas Brawijaya, the Department of Sociology also continues to strive to be able to lead to the achievement of national standards and gradually towards international standards.
  2. Realizing the functions and governance of the department in producing graduates who are competent, independent and competitive in the field of Sociology. In the process of governance and organizational functions of the department, it is directed to produce competent, independent and competitive graduates so that they are able to compete in the market and have development capabilities.
  3. Optimizing the system of lectures, research and community service that is adaptive and sensitive to the development of science and technology based on moral, spiritual and entrepreneurial commitments. The teaching and learning process is the core business of the Sociology Department, therefore in the implementation of the process it must always follow contemporary scientific developments in addition to axiologically providing the maximum benefit for community development.
  4. Mengembangkan kajian, publikasi ilmiah dan penerapannya di bidang sosiologi dan lintas disiplin ilmu serta mengupayakan pemanfaaannya dalam proses pembangunan nasional. Proses pengembangan institusi/kelembagaan di Jurusan Sosiologi diarahkan secara integratif agar proses pembelajaran melalui pendidikan, penelitian dan penngabdian masyarakat selaras dan sinergi dalam upaya mendukung tujuan pembangunan nasional.
  5. Creating a social documentation service center as a means of community development based on social and cultural wisdom (local wisdom).
  6. Develop strategic partnerships with stakeholders in quality and professional education, research and community service.







Becoming a superior department that plays an active role in community development through the process of education, research, and service as well as being a center of scientific information on the field of sociology based on social and cultural wisdom



To realize the vision, the Department of Sociology, FISIP-UB has the following missions:

  1. Realizing the Department as a center of excellence in the fields of Development Sociology, Environment, and Media with international standards. As a process of efforts to become a world-class university, in line with the mission of Brawijaya University, the Department of Sociology also continues to strive to be able to direct the achievement of national standards and gradually towards international standards.
  2. Realizing the functions and governance of the department in producing competent, independent, and competitive graduates in the field of Sociology. In the process of governance and organizational functions of the department, it is directed to produce graduates that are competent, independent, and competitive so that they can compete for the market and have development capabilities.
  3. Optimizing the system of lectures, research, and community service that is adaptive and sensitive to the development of science and technology based on moral, spiritual, and entrepreneurial commitment. The teaching and learning process is the core business of the Department of Sociology, therefore, in implementing the process, it must always follow contemporary scientific developments in addition to axiologically providing the maximum benefit for community development.
  4. Develop studies, scientific publications, and their application in the field of sociology and across disciplines and seek their use in the national development process. The process of developing institutions in the Department of Sociology is directed towards an integrative way so that the learning process of education, research, and community service is in harmony and synergy to support national development goals.
  5. Realizing a social documentation services center as a means of community development based on social and cultural wisdom (local wisdom ).
  6. Develop strategic partnerships between stakeholders in quality and professional education, research, and community service.








To become a superior department that plays an active role in community development through the process of education, research and service as well as being a center for scientific information in the field of sociology based on social and cultural wisdom.



In an effort to realize the Vision, the Department of Sociology FISIP-UB has the following Mission:

  1. Realizing the Department as a center of excellence in the field of Sociology of Development, Environment and Media with international standards As a process for efforts towards a world class university, in line with the mission of Universitas Brawijaya, the Department of Sociology also continues to strive to be able to lead to the achievement of national standards and gradually towards international standards.
  2. Realizing the functions and governance of the department in producing graduates who are competent, independent and competitive in the field of Sociology. In the process of governance and organizational functions of the department, it is directed to produce competent, independent and competitive graduates so that they are able to compete in the market and have development capabilities.
  3. Optimizing the system of lectures, research and community service that is adaptive and sensitive to the development of science and technology based on moral, spiritual and entrepreneurial commitments. The teaching and learning process is the core business of the Sociology Department, therefore in the implementation of the process it must always follow contemporary scientific developments in addition to axiologically providing the maximum benefit for community development.
  4. Mengembangkan kajian, publikasi ilmiah dan penerapannya di bidang sosiologi dan lintas disiplin ilmu serta mengupayakan pemanfaaannya dalam proses pembangunan nasional. Proses pengembangan institusi/kelembagaan di Jurusan Sosiologi diarahkan secara integratif agar proses pembelajaran melalui pendidikan, penelitian dan penngabdian masyarakat selaras dan sinergi dalam upaya mendukung tujuan pembangunan nasional.
  5. Creating a social documentation service center as a means of community development based on social and cultural wisdom (local wisdom).
  6. Develop strategic partnerships with stakeholders in quality and professional education, research and community service.