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HIMASIGI UB Bahas Isu Kapitalisasi Pariwisata Bahari
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FISIP Kupas Tuntas Transformasi IKN: Bakal Jadi Pusat Sumber Pertumbuhan 
Cerita Menarik Syarifah Nurul Zakiyah, Mahasiswa HI UB Jalani IISMA di Polandia
Peraih IPK 4,0 Magister Ilmu Komunikasi UB Berbagi Tips Menulis Tesis Cepat dan Tepat Sasaran


Background Education has important roles in ensuring development and sustainability of a nation. It also assures the enhancement of human resources. These resources are main ingredients for national development.

Rapid development of education and technology in the global era demands provision of educated, skilled, trained, qualified human resources mastering technology and knowledge. The needs are also felt in the field of Sociology and Communication science.To responds the challenges, University of Brawijaya established two bachelor degrees (S-1), which were Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program under the umbrella of Social SciencesProgram. These Study Programs were expected to become embryo of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.

The two study programs were established to answer the challenges from the need of experts in the field of sociology and communication.The graduates are expected to be able to professionallyaddress increasingly complexsocial problems, and to solve information gap causing prolonged conflicts in the society. These will be achieved through scientific inquiry involving learning and researching.

Initiative of the Establishment of Social Sciences Program

The establishment of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences started with a meeting between former Rector of University of Brawijaya (Unibraw), Prof. Dr. Eka Afnan Troena, SE and Dr. Darsono Wisadirana, MS upon completion ofhis doctoral degree from Postgraduate study in University of Padjajaran, Bandung. He presented the letter of completion and the reinstatement letter as a lecturer to the Faculty of Animal Husbandry on 28 November 2011. In the meeting, Dr. Darsono, MS explained that he had been conferred as Doctor in the field of Sociology at Social Sciences Program.

Based the skills, the Rector offered him to establish a new faculty in University of Brawijaya, that was Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik (FISIP) or the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Dr. Darsono, MS accepted the offer as long as it was supported by the Rector. Addressing the matter, the Rector summoned the Vice Rector I for academic affair (then Prof. Dr. Yogi Sugito) to support the establishment of FISIP. The vice rector supported the plan and offered the assistance for the founding of the new faculty.

Under the agreement to establish FISIP, Rector, Vice Rector I, and Dr. Darsono conducted meetings (Rector, PR I and Dr. Darsono, MS) in the Rector office. They discussed and finalized the plan to establish the new faculty. At the meeting, the rector delegated the vice rector to oversee and lead the establishment of FISIP. Dr. Darsono, MS proposed to set up a small team answered to the vice rector.

This small team consists of: Person in Charge: Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito (PR.I); Coordinator: Dr. Darsono, WS; Deputy Coordinator: Dr. Sanggar Kanto and Secretary: Ir. Edi Susilo, MS who are tasked with socializing the plan to establish FISIP to lecturers in Brawijaya University, especially lecturers who have expertise in the field of social sciences spread across various faculties both exact and social science faculties and preparing proposals for the establishment of a Social Science Program consisting of PS.sociology and PS. communication science by drafting a socialization proposal for the establishment of FISIP.

The socialization of the plan to establish FISIP received full support from the lecturers who attended and obtained inputs related to the plan to establish FISIP. Then on April 3, 2002 on the 8th floor of the Unibraw Headquarters, the team invited and held a meeting with a number of social science lecturers from several faculties within Brawijaya University.

Present at the socialization meeting were: 1) Faculty of Agriculture (Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedarmanto, M.Ed., Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS., Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS., Dr. Ir. Keppy Sukesi. MS, Dr. Ir. Kusnadi, Prof. Dr. Ir. Mochammad Yunus, Reza Safitri, S.Sos, Ir. Hamid Hidayat, MS, Ir. Yayuk Yuliati, MS); 2) Faculty of Animal Husbandry (Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS and Ir. Suprih Bambang Siswiyono, MS); 3) Faculty of Administrative Sciences (Drs. Suryadi, MS, Prof. Dr. Solichin AW, MA, Prof. Dr. Irfan Islami, MA), Drs. Abdul Hakim, MS, and Dr. Sumartono, MS); 4) Faculty of Fisheries (Ir. Ismadi, MS and Ir. Edi Susilo, MS); and 5) Faculty of Law (Prija Djatmika, SH, MS and Sri Wahyuningsih, SH, M.Pd.).

The results of the socialization obtained, that all lecturers who attended agreed to agree and support the plan to establish the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Unibraw with the name Social Science Program as an embryo for the establishment of FISIP which began with the opening of two study programs, namely the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program. At this meeting it was also agreed to form a team of formulators and compilers of the Social Science Program in charge of preparing a Proposal for the Establishment of the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program.

On April 22, 2002 through the Rector's Task Letter signed by PR. I (Prof.Yogi Sugito) on behalf of the Rector (Prof.Dr.Ir. Bambang Guritno) Number 956/J10/AK/2002, a Social Science Program formulation team was formed with the following organizational structure:



Rector's Task Letter No. 956/J10/AK/2002

coordinator: Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
Vice Coordinator: Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
Secretary: Ir. Edi Susilo, MS

Development Sociology Study Program Section
leader: Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS
Secretary: Ir. Suprih Bambang Siswijono, MS
members: 1. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS
2. Drs. Abdul Hakim, M.Si.
Development Sociology Study Program Section
leader: Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS
Secretary: Ir. Ismadi, MS
members: 1. Drs. Suryadi, MS
2. Reza Safitri, S.Sos.

Based on the Chancellor's assignment letter signed by the Assistant Chancellor I on behalf of the Chancellor, a feasibility study was then conducted to several state universities in Java, in order to collect data related to the number of applicants and admission of freshmen in state universities. Based on the results of the feasibility study, a feasibility study proposal was prepared for the establishment of the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program.

The preparation of proposals for the two study programs was carried out in the afternoon until late at night at the team coordinator's house on Sunan Kalijaga Street No.20 Malang by Dr. Darsono Wisadirana, MS; (as team coordinator) Ir. Edi Susilo, MS; (as Secretary) and Ir. Suprih Bambang Siswijono, MS, (as secretary of Sociology) assisted by Sugeng Hadi Santoso (Administrative research data manager at PPIS-Unibraw).

After the preparation of the feasibility study proposals for the two study programs was completed, they were reported to the PR I and discussed with other team members in the courtroom of the Rectorate building on the 7th floor of Universitas Brawijaya, led by the PR I, to obtain input and improvements. Discussions to improve the feasibility study proposal with other members of the drafting team were held once a week every Wednesday.

Although the team members who attended were not always complete, due to the busy work of the team members in their respective faculties and some were still continuing their studies (S-3) and there was even one member who only attended three times in all meetings, so he finally resigned (Drs. Abdul Hakim, MSi), but thank God the activity continued to run well.

After completing the discussion on the preparation of the study program proposal held on the 7th floor of the Rectorate building, then with the guidance of the Vice Rector I (Prof. Dr. Yogi Sugito), the feasibility study proposal was improved and refined by the coordinator (Dr. Darsono, WS), team secretary (Ir.Edi Susilo, MS. and secretary of PS Sociology (Ir. Suprih Bambang Siswiyono, MS). In order to improve the proposal, the team was also assisted by Mondry, SP, (in charge of finding data on the number of press companies and the number of journalists in East Java) and Sugeng Hadi Santoso (PPIS Unibraw research team in charge of preparing the budget and typing the entire proposal).

Through several discussions with the proposal drafting team (for 4 months), then on August 31, 2002 the feasibility study proposal for the establishment of Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program could be completed. Furthermore, the academic department of Unibraw (Ir. Hesti Indratin Rahayu, MS) with Rector's Letter No. 2459/J10/AK/2002 on August 31, 2002 sent the two study program proposals to the Directorate General of Higher Education in Jakarta.

After 1 (one) month from sending the feasibility study proposal ps. Sociology and Communication Science to the Higher Education, then received an answer, that the proposal could be considered through the decision letter of the Directorate General of Higher Education signed by the Director of Academic Development and Student Affairs Number 2/33/D2/2002, dated September 24, 2002 concerning Consideration for the Opening of Sociology Study Programs (S1) and Communication Science Study Programs (S1) at Universitas Brawijaya.

Based on the decision letter of the Director General of Higher Education, the proposal to open a Sociology Study Program and a Communication Science Study Program at Brawijaya University was declared feasible to open with the provision that the proposal to establish a sociology study program and a complete communication science study program as required by Higher Education.

Furthermore, the team compiled a proposal for the establishment of a sociology study program and a communication science study program by completing several requirements requested by DIKTI, namely including financial feasibility, preparation of a competency-based curriculum for both study programs and equipping with a number of lecturers who are appropriate or linear with the study program to be established plus a number of supporting lecturers and administrative staff arranged in a staffing organization structure.

In order to prepare a competency-based Curriculum for the Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program as one of the requirements for establishing a new study program, the team then held a workshop to obtain competency-based curriculum content. Through the Assignment Letter of Assistant Rector I on behalf of the Rector No. 0280/J10/AK/2003 dated February 3, 2003, a Workshop Committee for the Preparation of the Curriculum for the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program was formed, which was held on the 8th floor of the head office of Universitas Brawijaya on February 18, 2003. The composition of the workshop committee is as follows.




Surat tugas PR I. Atas Nama Rektor No. 0280/J10/AK/2003

Protector: Rektor (Prof Bambang Guritno)
Person responsible: Pembantu Rektor I (Prof Yogi Sugito)
leader: Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
Secretary: Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS.
Treasurer: Reza Safitri, S.Sos.
members: 1. Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS
2. Drs. Suryadi, MS
3. Dr. Ir. Kliwon Hidayat, MS
4. Ir. Edi Susilo, MS
5. Ir. Ismadi, MS
6. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS.

To prepare the facilities and infrastructure for the seminar, the team was assisted by Endah Deta (Secretary of PR I) and Ferial (Secretary of PR II) and Sri Murtamami, SAP. (Rector Secretary).

The Seminar on Curriculum Preparation for Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program based on competence was attended by several experts from universities, both public and private universities in Malang, and universities outside Malang and government agencies as stakeholders. The keynote speakers in the seminar were Drs. Dwi Naworko, MA (sociology curriculum expert of Unair) and Drs. Henri Subyakto, MS. (Communication Science expert of Unair). The workshop was attended by lecturers from several faculties within Unibraw, including the Faculty of Agriculture, Faculty of Fisheries, Faculty of Animal Husbandry, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Economics, from other universities (namely UNS Solo, UM, UMM, UPB, UNMER and from the Malang municipal government, namely the Infocom Office and the Kesbangmawas Office as well as from the private sector (PJTKI / Indonesian Migrant Workers Service Agency).

After the implementation of the curriculum workshop, the team then re-developed the proposal for the two study programs with the curriculum and organizational structure of the management including the administrative staff consisting of. The structure for administrative staff is as follows:

  • Head of Administration: Ir. Retno Dewi Sosrondoyo (currently serving as Head of Administration at Faculty of Animal Husbandry).
  • Head of Finance and Personnel: Ferial (currently serving as PR II secretary).
  • Head of Academic and Student Affairs: Endah Deta (currently serving as PR I secretary) with staff Sugeng Hadi Santoso (currently serving as a PPIS research team member).
  • Head of General Subdivision and Equipment: Warmi, A.Md. (currently serving as research project treasurer at PPIS Unibraw)

The funding for the competency-based curriculum workshop for the two study programs is funded or derived from Unibraw through the Assistant Rector II in the amount of Rp. 4,500,000.

Submission of study program proposal and Implementation Permit

After the preparation of the proposal for two study programs was completed, then the proposal was brought by the Head of Academic Affairs of Universitas Brawijaya (Ir. Hesty Indratin Rahayu, MSi), with the Rector's cover letter Number: 0753/J10/AK/2003, dated March 31, 2003 through the postel office service, but after several months almost 8 months after being confirmed the proposal was not in Dikti (or lost), so the team sent the proposal back directly to Dikti by the Head of Academic Affairs of UB. After 2 months of sending the second proposal for the establishment of the two study programs, then received an answer from the Higher Education in the form of principle permission by SK Dirjen Dikti Nomor 989/D2/2003 dated May 29, 2003. The decree explained that the proposed opening of two study programs, namely the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program, could be opened with the provision of completing the minimum number of lecturers with S1 qualifications (4 people) and S2 qualifications (2 people) appropriate for each study program. In addition, it is also necessary to include a competency-based curriculum and be equipped with a staffing organizational structure.

To complete the requirements for the number of lecturers according to the provisions of the Higher Education, the team coordinator was assisted by Ir. Irdaf, MS (lecturer at the Faculty of Animal Husbandry) to find lecturers who are in accordance with the fields of science of the two study programs to be opened, namely 2 people from S-2 graduates of communication science, 2 people from S-2 graduates of sociology, 4 people from S-1 graduates of sociology and 4 people from S1 graduates of communication science.

Within one month, in June 2003, the team preparing the proposal was able to complete the requirements set by the Higher Education, namely adding 4 lecturers with S1 qualifications and 2 lecturers with S2 qualifications for each study program. The lecturers for each study program are:

a. For Sociology Study Program Lecturers:
Master Qualification

  1. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
  2. Titik Budiarti, S.Sos., M.Si. (dosen Unair untuk Outsourcing)

Qualified S1

  1. Siti Kholifah, S.Sos.
  2. Kautzar, S.Sos.
  3. Helmy Prasetyo, Y., S.Sos.
  4. Rachmah Nurhayati, S.Sos.
  5. Yohan Wahyu Irianto, S.Sos.

b. For Communication Science Study Program Lecturers:
Master Qualification

  1. Maulina Pia Wulandari, S.Sos, M.Comm
  2. Ahmad Muntaha, S.Sos, M.Si

Qualified S1

  1. Antoni, S.Sos.
  2. Reza Safitri, S.Sos.
  3. Anang Sujoko, S.Sos.
  4. Anastasia, S.Sos.

The preparation and improvement of the study program curriculum was carried out by a team from each study program, namely for PS. Sociology was prepared by Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS; Ir. Edi Susilo, MS and Ir. Suprih Bambang Siswiyono, MS; while for PS. Communication Science was compiled by Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS, Drs. Suryadi, MS, Reza Safitri, S.Sos, Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., and assisted by Mondry, SP.

While the completion of the complete curriculum preparation for both study programs was carried out by the team leader (Darsono Wisadirana), assisted by Akh. Muwafik Saleh, at the home of the team leader of the Proposal Preparation of the two study programs. After the proposals of the two study programs were completed and considered in accordance with the provisions of the Higher Education, they were sent back to the Higher Education on June 18, 2003 through the Rector's cover letter No: 07/J10/AK/2003, dated June 18, 2003.

After 5 months from the start of resubmitting the proposals for the two study programs, on November 13, 2003 the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture No. 3545/D/T/2003 was issued containing Permission to Implement New Study Programs at Universitas Brawijaya (Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program) at the Undergraduate Program (S1) level. The decree approving the opening of the two study programs was taken directly by the Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guritno).

Formation of Management Structure

In order to accommodate the opening of the two study programs, the Rector (Bambang Guritno and PR. I (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito) gathered the deans of Brawijaya University in a meeting with the aim of entrusting 2 (two) study programs, namely the sociology study program and the communication science study program which had just received a decision letter of approval for opening at Unibraw by the Director General of Higher Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture.

The first time it was offered to be entrusted with the two study programs was the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, but it was not willing, then it was offered to the Faculty of Law, but it was also not willing and those who were willing to accept the entrustment of the two study programs were the Faculty of Agriculture, but the Rector and Assistant Rector I were less pleased, so a separate container or institution was formed called the Social Science Program (PIS) which was under the direct responsibility of the Rector after the head of the proposal drafting team (Dr. Darsono Wisadirana) consulted with DIKTI.

by Rector Decree Number: 002A/SK/2004 dated February 3, 2004 A forum or institution for implementing education called the Social Science Program with the abbreviation PIS was established which is directly under the Rector as the person in charge with the status of independent management or self-management, meaning that the establishment of the Social Science Program cannot be used as a basis for requesting facilities from Unibraw including financial assistance from Unibraw PNBP and APBN assistance for management officials and PIS office operations, but may use existing facilities within Unibraw. Then to manage the Social Science Program, the Rector through a Decree No. 082/SK/2004 Dated July 2, 2004 establishing the Organizational Structure and Management of the Social Science Program. sebagai berikut




No. 082/SK/2004 Dated July 2, 2004

Person in Charge: Rector (Bambang Guritno)

Supervisor: Assistant Rector I (Yogi, Sugito)
Pembantu Rektor II (Moch.Munir)
Pembantu Rektor III(Tjahyanulin,D
Assistant Rector IV (Umar Nimran)

Head of Social Science Program: Dr.Ir.Darsono Wisadirana,MS

Secretary: Ir. Edi Susilo, MS

Head of the Sociology Study Program: Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS

Chairperson of the Communication Science Study Program: Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS


No. 082/SK/2004 Dated July 2, 2004

chart not available

Figure 1: Social Science Program Management Structure

Emblem and Mars

  • The shape of the pentagon symbol
  • Black base color
  • Picture in symbol
  • Gold yellow pentagon edge color
  • The color of the coat of arms is golden yellow

The statue of Raden Wijaya or Prabu Brawijaya as the incarnation of the four-handed God Wisynu wearing the Candra Kepala Crown, as a symbol of Ciwa. Each hand holds a lamp, chakra or snail, mace and chakra. On either side of the statue are Dewa Perwara, as the King's followers.

symbol meaning
The meaning of the symbol as a whole describes the style and character of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya which includes :

  • The golden yellow color symbolizes the pioneering spirit as possessed by Raden Wijaya.
  • The black base color symbolizes eternity.
  • Crown of Candra Head: Dare to dismantle everything that is considered unnatural or incorrect.
  • Gada: Enforcer of law and order.
  • Chakra: Dare to level out anything that is unnatural or incorrect.
  • Canka or snail: Everything is done with purity accompanied by the duty of maintenance or guidance in accordance with the nature of Wisynu.
  • Lamp: Believing and firmly believing that the Living Substance exists.
  • The pentagon shape: Upholding Pancasila as the philosophy and outlook of life of the Indonesian nation.

The basic color of the flag of the Social Science Program is set in color orange. In addition, the first and only faculty/program to have a marching song in Brawijaya University is the Social Science Program. This march was created by a student of the Social Science Program in the first batch of 2004 from the Communication Studies Program (Yanuar Rakhmat). Often with rapid development, the march was recomposed by Oktavianus, a student of FISIP class of 2008 from the Communication Studies Program. Attached.

Number of new and accepted student candidates

After the permit to open a new study program for undergraduate sociology and communication science from the Higher Education dropped in November 2003 and after the formation of the management structure, in 2004 the first batch of new students was opened. The number of students accepted in the first batch for these 2 study programs was 120 students with each for PS. Sociology 60 people and PS. communication science 60 people, although the enthusiasts to enter the PIS is very much reaching 5252 camaba, with details for ps sociology as many as 444 camaba and for ps communication science as many as 4708 camaba. This is because the number of admissions for new students in the first year is limited by Dikti. Admission of new students is carried out through independent channels by following the UMPTN standard as done by Dikti. But in the end the number of new students who were actively registered was only 104 students consisting of 41 students from the Sociology Study Program and 63 students from the Communication Science Study Program. The following is data on the number of interested camaba and those accepted at PIS Table 1. Interest Data and those accepted




Academic Year 2004/2005



















Communication Science










Description: JP : Number of Interested JD : Number Accepted JTD : Number Not Accepted The next journey was the change of the secretary of the Social Science Program, namely from Ir. Edi Susilo, MS to Dr. Ir. Agus Tjahjono, MS. This change was due to Ir. Edi Susilo, MS resigned, because he became a consultant at the Banyuwangi Regency Fisheries Service in 2005 with the Rector's Decree..

Referring to the Higher Education Decree No. 034/DIKTI/Kep./2002 concerning the Opening of New Study Programs and Decree No. 3545/D/T/2003 concerning Permits for the Implementation of New Study Programs at Brawijaya University (Sociology Study Program and Communication Science Study Program) at the Undergraduate Program level, the validity period of the study program implementation permit is valid for two years from the issuance of the implementation permit decree. During the two years of organizing a study program, universities are required to submit semi-annual reports on the implementation of education from existing study programs (already running) through the Evaluation of Study Programs Based on Self Evaluation (EPSBED) to the Directorate General of Higher Education. After two years and before the expiration of the study program implementation permit, it is mandatory for the study program to extend the implementation permit.

In an effort to obtain permission to extend the study program, the Head of PIS assigned Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si (Coordinator of Academic Affairs) and Sugeng Hadi Santoso (Academic Staff) to take care of the extension permit of the two study programs, namely sociology and communication science to Dikti by bringing EPSBED reports from 2004 to 2006. After one month of processing the extension permit, then the Sociology Study Program obtained an extension permit with Higher Education Decree No. 3227 / D / T / 2006 dated August 30, 2006. Meanwhile, the Communication Science Study Program obtained an extension permit based on Higher Education Decree No. 3228/D/T/2006 dated August 30, 2006 which is valid until 2010. It is also mentioned that if there is a negligence to implement the second, third and fourth dictum, it can cause the revocation of the license to implement the study program concerned. Within four years, the Dean of FISIP assigned Sugeng Hadi Santoso and Sigit Krisdianto to take care of the extension of the sociology study program license and the Communication Science Study Program using an EPSBED program established by Dikti. The Sociology Study Program obtained a re-extension permit through the decree of Higher Education No. 2377/D/T/K-N/2010 dated June 2, 2010 given to the Rector. As for the Communication Science Study Program, it was determined through Higher Education Decree No. 2378/D/T/K-N/2010 dated June 2, 2010. The re-extension of the license to operate the Sociology Study Program and the Communication Science Study Program is valid since the expiration of the previous Decree in 2006 and is valid until August 30, 2014. The next license extension can be submitted starting 6 (six) months before the validity period of the license extension ends as in the first dictum above.


1.Proposal Preparation Costs

The costs for preparing the proposals for the Sociology and Communication Studies programs were partially funded by the University or the Rectorate of Unibraw through the Vice Rector I (Prof. Yogi Sugito) and partially by the head of the proposal preparation team. The costs for the competency-based curriculum development workshops for both programs were funded by the Rectorate, while the costs for managing or overseeing the proposals to Jakarta were covered by the head of the proposal preparation team or coordinator (Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadiana, MS)

2.Costs of Preparing for New Student Admissions and Organizing Education
In order to accommodate new students and conduct education for the first batch in the academic year 2004/2005, funding is required. This funding includes the provision of chairs, desks for employees, and cabinets for office supplies and documents. Since the operational costs of conducting education at PIS are not covered or funded by the central office or the Rectorate, according to Rector’s Decree No. 002A/SK/2004 which states that the establishment of this Study Program cannot be used as a basis for requesting facilities and resources from the University, the initial funding is borne by the head of PIS, while subsequent operational costs are obtained from the Education Implementation Contribution (SPP) and contributions from the student parent organization (IOM).

3. Operational costs of conducting education
The operational costs for conducting lectures and office administration in the social sciences program are entirely sourced from the Education Implementation Contribution (SPP) and contributions from the student parent organization (IOM). In the first academic year 2004/2005, the education implementation at PIS experienced a funding deficit of Rp. 2,250,000. This was because most of the teaching staff/lecturers and administrative staff were contract workers, outsourced, and extraordinary lecturers from faculties within Unibraw, paid from PIS’s Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) funds, including the honorarium for the Social Sciences program managers. However, this funding shortfall was covered by IOM’s contributions. The funds obtained from the community for the first academic year 2004/2005 were short by Rp. 225,000,000 with a total of 104 students.

Resources, Facilities, and Supporting Infrastructure

1. resource

1.1 teaching staff
Most of the teaching staff or lecturers in the Social Sciences Program in the first academic year 2004/2005 were contract or fixed honorarium staff, including Anif Fatma C. Hawa, S.Sos., M.Si., Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., and Iwan Nurhadi from Sociology, and Maulina Pia Wulandari, S.Sos., M.Si., Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si., Mwafik Saleh, S.Sos., and Anang Sujoko, S.Sos. from Communication Studies. Meanwhile, there were only four civil servant (PNS) teaching staff who also served as PIS administrators: Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS as the program head, Ir. Edi Susilo, MS as the program secretary, Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS as the Head of the Sociology Study Program, and Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS as the Head of the Communication Studies Program.

1.2 administrative staff
All administrative staff in the Social Sciences Program at Brawijaya University in the first academic year of 2004/2005 were permanent honorary staff, totaling 6 people with the following roles: Academic and Student Affairs: Sugeng Hadi Santoso and Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP Finance: BM. Rochana and Ike Sophia Hanna, S.Sos. General Affairs and Equipment: Warmi, A.Md and Sudoko

1.3 Lecture facilities, laboratories and offices
In preparation for the admission of new students in the first year, the Social Sciences Program was allocated two lecture rooms in the Shared Lecture Building (RKB), one room on the second floor and one room on the first floor. To meet the needs of lectures and offices, one lecture room on the second floor was divided into two lecture rooms, one for Sociology students and one for Communication Science students.

Meanwhile, the room on the first floor was divided into three rooms: one for academic and student administration, one for financial administration, and one for the program head’s office. The partition design was done by Ir. Edi Susilo, MS. In preparation for the admission of new students, documents such as Study Plan Cards, Study Result Cards, Study Plan Change Cards, Course Cancellation Cards, Student Attendance Lists, Lecturer Attendance Lists, Lecture Schedules, and others were prepared by Sugeng Hadi Santoso, guided by the Program Head and Ir. Retno Dewi Sosrondoyo from the Faculty of Animal Husbandry to design the administrative system formats. The number of computers used for this service was four, along with one printer rented from Dr. Darsono Wisadirana’s computer rental. After three months, they were able to add one new computer and one new printer purchased from the Social Sciences Program’s PNBP funds, as well as one computer provided by the Vice Rector II, which could only be used for one month.

Due to the lack of financial assistance from the central office of Unibraw, the Head of the Social Sciences Program took the initiative to utilize unused items from GKB, such as cabinets, chairs, tables, lecture podiums, and catalog cabinets, to meet the needs for facilities and infrastructure like tables, chairs, and filing cabinets. These items were repaired using funds from the program head’s own resources. For the administrative system, the Social Sciences Program’s service needs could not be connected to the SIAAKAD system. Therefore, Sugeng Hadi Santoso created the Study Result Cards and Study Plan Cards using Microsoft Access over a period of 2 months. This system was used for 3 years. In 2007, Sugeng Hadi Santoso proposed the use of the online SIAAKAD system to the Program Head, with assistance from UPTI Unibraw staff. To meet the needs for facilities and infrastructure, hardware and software such as the purchase of servers, routers, and the installation of internet networks were required. To fulfill these needs, the Program Head lent funds to purchase these devices.

In an effort to meet the practical needs of students, at a time when the Social Sciences Program did not yet have a dedicated student practicum space, particularly for computer practicum in the form of a computer laboratory, Dr. Darsono lent his personal boarding house located at Jl. Sunan Kalijaga No. 20 Malang to serve as a computer practicum laboratory for students for one year. For the needs of meeting rooms and leadership meetings, since the Social Sciences Program did not yet have these facilities, the program head temporarily lent his personal house located at Jl. Simpang Gajayana No. 43 Malang for one year to support leadership and staff meetings.

Development of the Social Sciences Program

1.Establishment/Opening of the Psychology Study Program
After nearly two years of the Social Sciences Program at Unibraw running, in 2005, the Head of the Social Sciences Program expressed a desire to open a new study program, namely the Psychology Study Program. This desire was approved by the Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guritno) and also the Vice Rector I (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito). Before the formation of the proposal drafting team for the Psychology Study Program, a meeting was held in July 2005 at the house of the Head of the Social Sciences Program (Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS) located at Jl. Simpang Gajayana No. 43 Malang. The meeting was attended by Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, Amir Hasan Ramli, S.Psi., M.Psi, Yudi Suharsono, S.Psi., M.Psi, Yusuf Darmawan, S.Psi., Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, S.Psi., M.Psi, Faizah, S.Psi, and Sugeng Hadi Santoso. To realize the desire to open the Psychology Study Program, the Head of the Social Sciences Program formed a Proposal Drafting Team for the Undergraduate Psychology Study Program with the Assignment Letter from the Head of the Social Sciences Program No. 20/J10.1.16/KP/2005 dated August 27, 2005, with the following composition:



No. 20/J10.1.16/KP/2005 dated 27 August 2005

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Yudi Suharsono, S.Psi., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. Fathul Lubabin Nuqul, S.Psi., M.Si.
2. Faizah,S.Psi
Treasurer: Siswaji, SE
members: 1. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si.
2. Yusuf Darmawan, S.Psi.
3. Intan Rahmawati, S.Psi.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP

In July 2005, after the decree from the head of PIS was issued, the team began working on the preparation of the Psychology Study Program proposal. Subsequently, there was a change in the organizational structure of the Proposal Preparation Team, with the replacement of the team leader from Yudi Suharsono, S.Psi., M.Si. to Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si. because the former leader was not permitted by the institution where he worked, UMM.

The Psychology Proposal was completed by the preparation team in October 2005. Subsequently, the Head of the Social Sciences Program submitted it to the Vice Rector I to draft a cover letter to DIKTI. The Vice Rector I then handed it over to the Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guritno) through the Head of the Academic Division of Unibraw (Ir. Hesti Indratin Rahayu) to be sent to DIKTI Jakarta to obtain the approval decree for the establishment of the Psychology Study Program. However, unexpectedly, the Rector was not willing to send or open the Psychology Study Program, citing the lack of lecture rooms and the fact that it had not been discussed with the University Senate. As a result, the proposal was halted and the approval decree was not requested from DIKTI for almost a year, until a new Rector was appointed.

With the transition from the former Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guritno) to the new Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito) for the 2006-2010 period, the Head of the Social Sciences Program wanted to continue the delayed establishment of the Psychology Study Program by calling the preparation team for a meeting, which was also attended by a new member named Andik Matulesy, S.Psi. In an effort to continue the establishment of the Psychology Study Program after almost a year of delay, a new revision team for the Psychology Study Program Proposal was formed in 2006, involving Andik Matulesy, S.Psi., M.Psi. The team began working on improving and refining the Psychology Study Program proposal. Once the proposal was revised, it was submitted to the new Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito) to draft a cover letter for submission to DIKTI. Through the Rector’s cover letter No. 1687/J10/AK/2006 dated June 24, 2006, the proposal for the establishment of the Psychology Study Program was sent to DIKTI. Two months after the proposal was sent, on August 22, 2006, DIKTI responded with a letter No. 1755/D2.2/2006 granting principle approval with revisions. The DIKTI letter stated that the graduate competencies should be outlined as “what” abilities and “how” the substance is studied, presented in a matrix form for core competencies, supporting competencies, and other competencies linked to their elements. The curriculum and learning process should be designed to achieve these competencies, referring to the Minister of National Education Decrees No. 232/U/2000 and No. 045/U/2002. Additionally, it was mentioned that there was still a shortage of one permanent lecturer with a bachelor’s degree (S1) qualification relevant to the proposed study program. Based on the DIKTI letter, the preparation team held a meeting to discuss the proposal revisions, and finally, after one month, on September 20, 2006, through the Rector’s cover letter No. 2645/J10./AK/2006, the proposal for the establishment of the Psychology Study Program was resubmitted to DIKTI. After three months of evaluation by DIKTI, on November 14, 2006, through DIKTI letter No. 2338/D2.2/2006, it was stated that points 1 and 2.a had not been correctly addressed. Therefore, the description of graduate competencies in Table 6, pages 16-21, should be clarified regarding the desired competencies (as what) and the substance of the study (how). Additionally, the proposed permanent lecturers with master’s degree (S2) qualifications did not meet the requirements, necessitating further revisions.

In accordance with the request from Dikti, the team held another meeting to evaluate and revise the deficiencies identified by Dikti. Finally, after one month, on September 20, 2006, through the Rector’s cover letter no. 2645/J10/AK/2006, the proposal for the establishment of the psychology study program was resubmitted to Dikti. On November 30, 2006, through Dikti’s letter no. 2440/D2.2/2006, it was explained that the request for consideration to open the psychology study program at Brawijaya University Malang could be approved on the condition that a recommendation letter from HIMPSI regarding the feasibility of the competencies and curriculum in the proposal is obtained. To obtain the recommendation letter, the Social Sciences Program invited the Chairman of HIMPSI Central to visit and assess the feasibility of opening the Psychology Study Program at PIS Brawijaya University, and an MOU was signed between the Rector of UB and HIMPSI Central. Present at the visit were the Chairman (Dr. Rakhmat Ismail) and Secretary (Dr. Retno) of HIMPSI Central.

In order to develop a competency-based curriculum for the Psychology Study Program, a workshop was held at the Rectorate, attended by the Chairman and Secretary of HIMPSI Central as well as lecturers from PIS, particularly the team responsible for drafting the Psychology Study Program proposal. After the competency-based curriculum workshop was completed, the proposal was resubmitted to Dikti through the Rector’s cover letter on January 2, 2007, No. 0002/J10/AK/2007, attaching a recommendation letter from HIMPSI Central No. 001/PP-HIMPSI/2007, which stated that the opening of the Psychology Study Program at Brawijaya University was feasible. Subsequently, on January 24, 2007, Dikti issued a consideration permit No. 0188/D2.2/2007, with the condition that the EPSBED report must reach 80% in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education No. 034/DIKTI/Kep./2002. This consideration permit is valid for three years from the date of issuance and cannot be used as a guideline for new student admissions.

After the university’s EPSBED requirements were met, on June 22, 2007, with DIKTI Decree No. 1504/D/I/2007, the Psychology Study Program received permission to operate. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si. was appointed as the Head of the Psychology Study Program based on the Rector’s Decree No. 257/SK/2008 dated October 20, 2008. According to DIKTI Decree No. 034/DIKTI/Kep./2002, universities are required to submit semester reports on the implementation of education from existing (ongoing) study programs for two years.

After two years, a team was formed to draft the license extension report by the Assistant Dean I on behalf of the Dean with Assignment Letter No. 539/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated March 2, 2009, as follows:



No. 539/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated 2 March 2009

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
leader: Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si.
Treasurer: Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
members: 1. Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Si.
2. Dra. Ika Widyarini, MLHR
3. Intan Rahmawati, S.Psi., M.Psi.
4. Yoyon Supriyono, S.Psi., M.Psi.
5. Sugeng Hadi Santoso

To obtain an extension permit for a study program, it must have a minimum of six permanent lecturers who are civil servants and contract lecturers who have a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN). To meet the minimum number of lecturers, as the psychology study program was a new program at that time, the Head of the Social Sciences Program borrowed lecturers from other faculties within UB that had expertise in social sciences. The team held a meeting to draft the extension permit report and then sent it to Dikti, attaching the EPSBED results from 2007 to 2008 with the Rector’s cover letter in June 2009. After submitting the extension permit documents, the Extension Permit for the Psychology Study Program was issued by Dikti with DIKTI Decree No. 2850/D/T/K-N/2009 dated July 15, 2009.

2. Establishment or Opening of the International Relations (HI) Study Program
In 2006, seeing the needs of the community, the desire arose from the Chairman of PIS UB to open a new undergraduate program in International Relations. To realize this desire, the Chairman of PIS then sought and gathered experts in International Relations, both with bachelor’s and master’s qualifications. A few months later, the Chairman of PIS formed a team to draft a proposal for the establishment of the International Relations Study Program with Assignment Letter No. 274/J10.1.16/KP/2006 dated May 2, 2006, as follows:



No. 274/J10.1.16/KP/2006 dated 2 May 2006

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Dian Mutmainah,SIP
Secretary: Melly Noviryani,S.Sos.
Treasurer: Henny Rosalinda,SIP
Secretariat: Sugeng Hadi Santoso
members: 1. Vita Amalia, S.IP., MA
2. Tate Agape Baswara,SIP
3. Arief Maulana,SIP

With the transition from the former Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Bambang Guritno) to the new Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito) for the 2006-2010 period, the Head of the Social Sciences Program wanted to continue the delayed establishment of the Psychology Study Program by calling the preparation team for a meeting, which was also attended by a new member named Andik Matulesy, S.Psi. In an effort to continue the establishment of the Psychology Study Program after almost a year of delay, a new revision team for the Psychology Study Program Proposal was formed in 2006, involving Andik Matulesy, S.Psi., M.Psi. The team began working on improving and refining the Psychology Study Program proposal. Once the proposal was revised, it was submitted to the new Rector (Prof. Dr. Ir. Yogi Sugito) to draft a cover letter for submission to DIKTI. Through the Rector’s cover letter No. 1687/J10/AK/2006 dated June 24, 2006, the proposal for the establishment of the Psychology Study Program was sent to DIKTI. Two months after the proposal was sent, on August 22, 2006, DIKTI responded with a letter No. 1755/D2.2/2006 granting principle approval with revisions. The DIKTI letter stated that the graduate competencies should be outlined as “what” abilities and “how” the substance is studied, presented in a matrix form for core competencies, supporting competencies, and other competencies linked to their elements. The curriculum and learning process should be designed to achieve these competencies, referring to the Minister of National Education Decrees No. 232/U/2000 and No. 045/U/2002. Additionally, it was mentioned that there was still a shortage of one permanent lecturer with a bachelor’s degree (S1) qualification relevant to the proposed study program. Based on the DIKTI letter, the preparation team held a meeting to discuss the proposal revisions, and finally, after one month, on September 20, 2006, through the Rector’s cover letter No. 2645/J10./AK/2006, the proposal for the establishment of the Psychology Study Program was resubmitted to DIKTI. After three months of evaluation by DIKTI, on November 14, 2006, through DIKTI letter No. 2338/D2.2/2006, it was stated that points 1 and 2.a had not been correctly addressed. Therefore, the description of graduate competencies in Table 6, pages 16-21, should be clarified regarding the desired competencies (as what) and the substance of the study (how). Additionally, the proposed permanent lecturers with master’s degree (S2) qualifications did not meet the requirements, necessitating further revisions.

Following up on the operational permit decree, which states that universities are required to submit semester reports on the implementation of education from existing or ongoing study programs, after a two-year evaluation period, the Assistant Dean I on behalf of the Dean formed a team to extend the permit for the International Relations Study Program with Assignment Letter PD I on behalf of the Dean No. 516/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated February 25, 2009, as follows:



No. 516/J10.1.16/KP/2009 tanggal 25 Februari 2009

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
leader: Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP., MA.
Treasurer: Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
members: 1. Mely Noviryani, S.Sos., MM
2. Anggun Trisnanto, S.IP., M.Idea
3. Heny Rosalinda, S.IP
4. Joko Purnomo, S.IP., MA.
5. Sugeng Hadi Santoso

To obtain an extension permit for a study program, it must have a minimum of six permanent lecturers who are civil servants and contract lecturers who have a National Lecturer Identification Number (NIDN). To meet the minimum number of lecturers, as the psychology study program was a new program at that time, the Head of the Social Sciences Program borrowed lecturers from other faculties within UB that had expertise in social sciences. The team held a meeting to draft the extension permit report and then sent it to Dikti, attaching the EPSBED results from 2007 to 2008 with the Rector’s cover letter in June 2009. After submitting the extension permit documents, the Extension Permit for the Psychology Study Program was issued by Dikti with DIKTI Decree No. 2850/D/T/K-N/2009 dated July 15, 2009.

3. Curriculum Update
PIS was established coinciding with the socialization of the implementation of the Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) within Brawijaya University. Therefore, the PIS Curriculum in 2007 was updated by adopting the principles of the Competency-Based Curriculum. In the same year, 2007, competency-based curricula were also developed for the Psychology Study Program and the International Relations Study Program, which are expected to be relevant to the needs of the job market.

In line with the vision and mission carried out by the Social Sciences Program at that time, which was to become a center for the development of education, research, and community service as well as an information center in the field of social sciences in order to produce quality graduates with faith and piety who are able to actualize knowledge and technology and respond to the demands of community development, a competency-based curriculum was developed to meet the needs of society. This is to accelerate the realization of quality education through the improvement of the teaching and learning process. As a follow-up to this policy, a competency-based curriculum development team was formed to conduct seminars and curriculum workshops through Assignment Letter No. 034/J10.1.16/KP/2007 dated January 12, 2007 with the following composition:




No. 034/J10.1.16/KP/2007 dated 12 January 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Dr. Ir. Agus Tjahjono, MS
Secretary: Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
Treasurer: Sutan Rahman WHS, SE

Communication Studies Coordinator
leader: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS
Secretary: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.

Coordinator for Sociology Studies
leader: Prof. Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS
Secretary: Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
Coordinator of Psychology Studies
Leader:Drs.Amir hasan Ramli
Secretary:Drs. Andy Matulesy, M.Si.
Event division: 1. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
2. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE, M.Si.
3. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Arief Budi Nugroho, S.Sos.
5. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos.
6. Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Si.

Coordinator of International Relations Studies
leader: Dian Mutmainah, S.IP
Secretary: Mely Noviryani, S.Sos.

Secretarial Section :
1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso.
2. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP.
3. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
4. Nur Kholis
5. Agung Syamsudin.

General Assistant :
1. Warmi, A.Md.
2. Sudoko.
3. Budiono.
4. Suryatmaja
5. Agustina Salama, S.Sos.

The seminars for the Sociology, Psychology, and International Relations Study Programs were held on February 13, 2007, at GKB (Gedung Kuliah Bersama), while the Communication Studies Program was conducted on February 15, 2007, in the same building. The curriculum workshop for the International Relations Study Program was held on February 22, 2007, at LPPM (Lembaga Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat). Meanwhile, the Sociology, Communication Studies, and Psychology Study Programs were conducted on February 27, 2007, at Widyaloka Building, Brawijaya University. Experts relevant to each study program were present at the seminars and workshops as follows:

  1. 1. Semiloka

Expert in Competency-Based Curriculum from Universitas Negeri Malang: Dr. H. Punaji Setyosari, M.Ed. Practitioner in Sociology: Dr. Siti Zuhro (LIPI) Practitioner in Communication Studies: Errol Jonathan (Suara Surabaya) Practitioner in International Relations: Darmansyah Djumala (Head of Training Center, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia) Practitioner in Psychology: Dra. Astrid Wiratna

  1. 2. Workshop

Practitioner in Sociology: Hakimul Ikhwan, MA Practitioner in Communication Studies: Dr. Engkus Kuswarno, MS International Relations: Prof. Dr. Mochtar Mas’oed Practitioner in Psychology: Prof. Dr. Zainuddin, MS.Apt. The results of the seminars and workshops were established through the Dean’s Decree No. 06/J10.1.16/SK/2008 dated November 5, 2008, which states that the curriculum at the Faculty of Social Sciences is a competency-based curriculum.

4. Establishment of Quality Assurance System
This body has the duty and function to monitor and continuously improve the academic/educational quality of FISIP-UB in order to achieve the established vision and mission and meet the needs. stakeholder (the needs of society, the needs of the workforce, and professional needs) through the implementation of the Tridharma of Higher Education. Through continuous activities in preparing documents (Procedure Manuals, Academic Quality, etc.) as a foundation that is expected to become part of the system and working mechanism (institutional) at FISIP-UB to support the implementation through the Academic Quality Assurance System (SPMA) under the auspices of Brawijaya University.

governance aspects pemerintahan Becoming the main foundation, which of course needs to be supported by the factual existence of other dimensions. With an adequate organizational and institutional system, organizational governance is expected to run effectively and efficiently, including the support of rules/institutional support such as the existence of legal umbrellas in every regulation, whether at the level of laws, government regulations, presidential regulations, or regulations within the scope of the Ministry of National Education of the Republic of Indonesia and Brawijaya University.

  1. The Academic Quality Assurance System (SPMA) at FISIP is implemented at the study program level in accordance with the Academic Quality Manual. The Academic Quality Manual explains three things: (a) Faculty Academic Quality Policy, (b) Faculty Academic Quality Assurance System, © Faculty Quality Assurance Organizational Structure.
  2. The Procedure Manual (MP) is a guide for faculties and study programs in implementing SPMA.
  3. The academic implementing unit has the flexibility to develop the SPMA while still referring to the SPMA at the university level in accordance with: (a) Academic Policy, (b) Academic Standards, © Academic Regulations, and (d) the applicable Academic Quality Manual.

FISIP, as an institution of higher education, conducts teaching, research, and community service aimed at fulfilling the independence of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia in accordance with national ideals to improve the quality of life and human dignity based on faith and piety.

Synergistic cooperation has been successfully established by FISIP Universitas Brawijaya with both government and private institutions. This is done within the framework of realizing FISIP’s vision and mission.

FISIP dituntut untuk secara terus-menerus memperbaiki kualitas proses pendidikannya untuk membelajarkan kompetensi yang relevan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat dan persaingan yang semakin berat. Diharapkan pada masa mendatang, FISIP akan menjadi superior faculty both in terms of the quality of graduates and the quality of the educational process, research, and community service.

In relation to all of this, a very important task that FISIP UB must undertake starting now is to intensify efforts to continuously improve quality in all areas of academic activities.

To realize its vision and mission, in 2007, PIS UB developed a five-year development plan outlined in the Strategic Plan Document of PIS Universitas Brawijaya. The preparation of the Strategic Plan began with a self-evaluation to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, which were then used to formulate strategic issues. Institutional optimization is a primary prerequisite to contribute to academic freedom, innovation, and creativity, promote efficiency, effectiveness, and institutional responsibility, and make FISIP an asset rather than a burden. The total enhancement of human resource competencies is carried out by encouraging programs/disciplines that can increase national competitiveness through improving the quality and relevance of education, research, and community service.

This academic policy is formulated to outline the basic policies within the academic scope as stated in the RENSTRA FISIP UB 2007-2011. This academic policy is subsequently used as a foundation and guideline for the implementation of programs that have been prepared and agreed upon as efforts to continuously improve and enhance quality

4.1. Establishment of a Quality Assurance Team
In an effort to improve academic quality in the Social Sciences Program, a quality assurance organizational structure was established at both the program and study program levels. For this purpose, a Quality Assurance Group (GJM) was formed at the program level and a Quality Assurance Unit (UJM) at the Study Program level. In accordance with the change in status from program to faculty, the quality assurance system’s organizational structure has also undergone the following changes:

  1. 1. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2007




No.06/J10.1.16/SK/2007 Dated 18 July 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS
members: 1. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP.,M.Sos.

  1. 2. Structure of the Quality Assurance Group in 2008 (a)




NO. 014/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 April 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS
members: 1. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sos.

General Assistant: Sugeng Hadi Santoso

  1. 3. Structure of the Quality Assurance Group in 2008 (b)




NO. 014/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 April 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
director: Pembantu Dekan I (Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS)
leader: Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS.
Secretary: Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Treasurer: Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
members: 1. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
4. Hadi Sumartono, S.Pd.
5. Ayu Kusumawardani
6. Tommy Maulana

  1. 4. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009




NO. 44/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 04 December 2009

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Tim
director: Pembantu Dekan I
Pembantu Dekan II
Assistant Dekan III
leader: Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS.
Secretary: Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.

Lecturer Element Member :
Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetya, S.Sos., M.Si.
Bambang Semedhi, SE
Cleoputri Al Yusainy, S.Psi., M.Psi.

Member of Administrative Staff :
Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
Sugeng Hadi Santoso

Student Element Members :
Presiden Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)
Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (DPM)

  1. 5. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2010




NO. 57/H10.11/SK/2010 dated 06 August 2010

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS Tim
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS Dr. Mardiyono, MPA Dr. Drs. Suryadi, MS
leader: Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Secretary: Joko Purnomo, S.IP., MA

Lecturer Element Member :
Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetya, S.Sos., M.Si.
Bambang Semedhi, SE
Cleoputri Al Yusainy, S.Psi., M.Psi.

Member of Administrative Staff :
Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
Sugeng Hadi Santoso

Student Element Members :
Presiden Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa (BEM)
Ketua Dewan Perwakilan Mahasiswa (DPM)

4.2. Establishment of a Quality Assurance Team
Meanwhile, the legalization of the Quality Assurance Unit in each study program is as follows:
4.2.1. Sociology Study Program

  1. 1. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2007




NO. 017/J10.1.16/SK/2007 Dated 05 October 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Sosiologi Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
members: 1. Anton Novenanto, S.Sos.
2. Arief Budi Nugroho, S.Sos.

  1. 2. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008




NO. 049/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 October 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Jurusan Studi Sosiologi
leader: Arief Budi Nugroho, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Nike Kusumawanti, S.Sos., MA
members: 1. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sos.
2. Kanthi Nastiti, S.Sos., MA
3. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Ana Permata Hati 5. Irma Novria Prabowo

  1. 3. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009




NO. 034/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 20 August 2009

Person responsible: Ketua Jurusan Studi Sosiologi
leader: Arief Budi Nugroho, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Nike Kusumawanti, S.Sos., MA
members: 1. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., M.Si.
3. Kanthi Nastiti, S.Sos., MA
4. Dhany S. Sutopo, S.Sos., M.Si.
5. Palupi Yudiesta P.N.
6. Pratama Yudha P

  1. 4. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2010




NO. 066/H10.11/SK/2010 dated 27 August 2010

Person responsible: Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi, M.Si.
leader: Arief Budi Nugroho, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Nike Kusumawanti, S.Sos., MA

Lecturer Element Member :
1. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Kanthi Nastiti, S.Sos., MA
3. Dhany S. Sutopo, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Anton Novenanto, S.Sos.

Student Element Members :
Ketua Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Sosiologi
Sekretaris Himpunan Mahasiswa Jurusan Sosiologi

4.2.2 Communication Studies Program

  1. 1. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2007




NO. 018/J10.1.16/SK/2007 Dated 05 October 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Ilmu Komunikasi Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Si.
members: 1. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
2. Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
3. Maulina Pia Wulandari, S.Sos., M.Comm.

  1. 2. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008




NO. 062/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 April 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
leader: Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
Secretary: Rosana Sari, S.Sos.
members: 1. R. Dhany Rachmat Mulia, ST., M.Si.
2. Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina, SE., M.Si.
3. Heygen Ganesha Putra
4. Jimmy

  1. 3. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009




NO. 023/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 21 July 2009

Person responsible: Drs. M. Shobarudin, MA
leader: Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
Secretary: Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina, SE., M.Si.
members: 1. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Dyan Rahmiati, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Titania Arimbi, S.Sos.,M.Si.
4. Widya Pujarama, S.I.Kom.
5. Isma Adila, S.I.Kom
6. Failasuf Filantropi
7. Erizal Eka P

  1. 4. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2010




NO. 058/H10.11/SK/2010 Tanggal 06 Agustus 2010

Person responsible: Drs. M. Shobarudin, MA
leader: Diyah Ayu Amalia Avina, SE., M.Si.
Secretary: Dyan Rahmiati, S.Sos., M.Si.
members: 1. Maya Diah Nirmawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Galuh Ayu Savitri, S.I.Kom.
3. Azizun Kurnia Illahi, S.I.Kom.

Student Element Members :
Chairman of the Communication Science Department Student Association
Secretary of the Communication Science Department Student Association

4.2.3 Psychology Study Program

  1. 1. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2007




NO. 019/J10.1.16/SK/2007 Dated 09 October 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Psikologi Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Secretary: Drs.Andik Matulessy, Psi., M.Si.
members: 1. Dra. Ika Widyarini, MLHR
2. Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.
3. Intan Rahmawati., S.Psi.

  1. 2. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008




NO. 044/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 October 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Psikologi
leader: Dra. Ika Widyarini, MLHR
Secretary: Intan Rahmawati., S.Psi.
members: 1. Yoyon Supriyono, S.Psi., M.Psi.
2. Nur Hasanah, S.Psi., M.Si.
3. Sukma Nurmala
4. Nurika Sakinah

  1. 3. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009




NO. 035/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 20 August 2009

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Psikologi
leader: Dra. Ika Widyarini, MLHR
Secretary: Intan Rahmawati., S.Psi.
members: 1. Yoyon Supriyono, S.Psi., M.Psi.
2. Nur Hasanah, S.Psi., M.Si.

  1. 4. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2010




NO. 060/H10.11/SK/2010 dated 06 August 2010

director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
Person responsible: Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, M.Si. Psi.
leader: Sukaesi Marianti, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Secretary: Intan Rahmawati., S.Psi.

Lecturer Element Member :
1. Yoyon Supriyono, S.Psi., M.Psi.
2. Dra. Ika Widyarini, MLHR
3. Sumi Lestari, S.Psi., M.Si.

Student Element Members :
1. Head of the Psychology Study Program Association
2. Management of the Psychology Study Program Association

4.2.4. Program Studi Hubungan Internasional

  1. 1. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2007




NO. 020/J10.1.16/SK/2007 Dated 09 October 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
Secretary: Mely Noviryani, S.IP., M.M
members: 1. Henny Rosalinda, S.IP
2. Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP, MA
3. Leni Winarni, S.IP., M.Si.

  1. 2. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008 (a)




NO. 017/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 April 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
leader: Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
Secretary: Mely Noviryani, S.IP., M.M
members: 1. Henny Rosalinda, S.IP
2. Dian Mutmainah, S.IP
3. Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA

  1. 3. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008 (b)




NO. 042/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 October 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP., MA)
leader: Mely Noviryani, S.IP., M.M
Secretary: Henny Rosalinda, S.IP
members: 1. Isya Rohanindya
2. Mahesa Rira Desaga

  1. 4. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009 (a)




NO. 04/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 02 February 2009

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP., MA)
leader: Anggun Trisnanto, S.IP., M.Idea.
Secretary: Mely Noviryani, S.IP., M.M
members: 1. Henny Rosalinda, S.IP
2. Mahesa Rira Desaga
3. Isya Rohanindya

  1. 5. Quality Assurance Group Structure in 2009 (b)




NO. 036/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 20 August 2009

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP., MA)
leader: Joko Purnomo, S.IP., MA
Secretary: Pantri Muthriana Erza Killian, S.IP., M.IEF
members: 1. Anggun Trisnanto, S.IP., M.Idea.
2. Achmad Fathoni Kurniawan, S.IP., MA
3. Raisa
4. Wahyu Retno Wulansari

  1. 6. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2010




NO. 056/H10.11/SK/2010 dated 06 August 2010

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Vita Amalia Puspamawarni, S.IP., MA)
leader: Yusli Effendi, S.IP., MA
Secretary: Pantri Muthriana Erza IEF
members:1. Idin Fasisaka, S.IP., MA
2. Mega Nisfa Makhroja
3. Primadiana Yunita

4.2.5. Political Science Study Program

  1. 1. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2008




NO. 043/J10.1.16/SK/2008 Dated 01 October 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA)
leader: M. Faishal Aminuddin, SS., M.Si.

  1. 2. Struktur Unit Jamninan Mutu Tahun 2009




NO. 033/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated 20 August 2009

Person responsible: Ketua Program Studi Hubungan Internasional (Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA)
leader: M. Faishal Aminuddin, SS., M.Si.
Secretary: Tedi Erviantono, S.IP., MA
members: 1. Bandiyah, S.Fil., MA
2. Purnama Julia Utami
3. Mohammad Hasbi Rofiqi

  1. 3. Structure of the Quality Assurance Unit in 2010




NO. 059/H10.11/SK/2010 dated 06 August 2010

Person responsible: Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA
leader: M. Faishal Aminuddin, SS., M.Si.
Secretary: Bandiyah, S.Fil., MA
members: 1. Muhammad Ali Azhar, S.IP., MA
2. Purnama Julia Utami
3. Mohammad Hasbi Rofiqi

4.5. Change of Study Program Status to Become a Major

After the extension of the permit was granted, the Head of the Social Sciences Program reminded that, before becoming a Faculty, it is necessary to upgrade the status from a study program to a department. To meet this need, the Head of the Social Sciences Program, through Decree No. 608/J10.1.16/KP/2007 on August 2, 2007, formed two teams to draft proposals for changing the study program into a department as follows:

  • The Proposal Drafting Team for Upgrading the Status of the Sociology Study Program to the Sociology Department

For the team preparing the proposal to elevate the status of the sociology study program to a department, with the Decree of the Program Chair, as follows:


Meanwhile, the team preparing the proposal to upgrade the status of the Communication Science study program to a major, with the Decree of the Program Chair, is as follows:

No. 608/J10.1.16/KP/2007 Dated 02 August 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS
leader: Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS.
2. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sos.
Treasurer: Ike Sophia Hanna, S.Sos.
members: 1. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos.
2. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Arif Budi Nugroho, S.Sos.
4. Anton Novenanto, S.Sos.
Secretariat: 1. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP
2. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
General Assistant : 1. Agustina Salama, S.Sos.
2. Siswaji, SE
3. Fira Amalia, A.Md.
4. Sudoko
5. Warmo
6. Agung Samsudin

  • Team for Preparing Proposals to Improve the Status of the Communication Science Study Program to Become a Communication Science Department

Meanwhile, the team preparing the proposal to upgrade the status of the Communication Science study program to a major, with the Decree of the Program Chair, is as follows:


Meanwhile, the team preparing the proposal to upgrade the status of the Communication Science study program to a major, with the Decree of the Program Chair, is as follows:

No. 609/J10.1.16/KP/2007 Tanggal 02 Agustus 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS
leader: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
Treasurer: Muktiyatun
members: 1. Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Nurkholis.
General Assistant : 1. Achmad Tohari, SS.
2. Warmi, A.Md.
3. Budiono.
4. Rina Wastika, A.Md.
5. Suryatmojo

The preparation of the proposal for the establishment of the Sociology and Communication Science departments in the Social Sciences Program at Brawijaya University was carried out at the Brawijaya University Guest House on August 2, 2007. These two proposals were completed after two months, in October, but were not sent to the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) because they were still waiting for the completion of the proposal for the establishment of the faculty. The faculty proposal included two departments (sociology and communication science) with four study programs (sociology, communication science, psychology, and international relations). Subsequently, the two proposals for upgrading the study programs to departments were sent together with the faculty establishment proposal with the Rector’s cover letter No. 0038/J10/AK/2008 dated January 5, 2008.

On February 29, 2008, a principle permit was issued by the Directorate General of Higher Education (DIKTI) No. 536/D/T/2008 regarding the Proposal for the Establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University. It stated that, in principle, the Directorate General of Higher Education of the Ministry of National Education had no objection to the proposal for the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University, provided that the costs arising from this change would not be charged to the Government budget but must be financed with independent/self-funding from Brawijaya University. Subsequently, the Decree for the Establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University could be issued by the Rector. Based on this principle permit, the Rector decreed that the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) could be established at Brawijaya University with Rector’s Decree No. 090/SK/2008 dated April 8, 2008

Change of Program Status to Faculty

1. The status of the Social Sciences Program (PIS) becomes the Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS)
In order to elevate the status of the social sciences program to the Faculty of Social Sciences, a proposal preparation team was formed through the Program Chair’s Assignment Letter No. 611/J10.1.16/KP/2007 dated August 2, 2007, with the following committee composition:



No. 611/J10.1.16/KP/2007 dated 2 August 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS
Sekretaris I: Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
Bendahara: Sutan Rachman WHS, SE
members: 1. Dr. Ir. Agus Tjahjono, MS
2. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
5. Dian Mutmainah, S.IP
6. Rosana Sari, S.Sos.
7. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sos.
8. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
9. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP
3. Achmad Tohari, SS
4. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.  

The preparation of the proposal for the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University Malang was based on the results of consultations between the Chair of the Social Sciences Program and the Head of the Academic Sub-Directorate of DIKTI in 2007. From these consultations, the Chair of the Program created guidelines for drafting the proposal for the establishment of the Faculty. Based on these guidelines, the proposal for the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences was drafted. After the proposal was completed, it was sent to DIKTI with the Rector’s Cover Letter No. 0038/J10/AK/2008 dated January 5, 2008. Following the submission of the faculty establishment proposal, a response was received from DIKTI stating that the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University was approved with Principle Permit Number: 536/D/T/2008 dated February 29, 2008. Then, on April 8, 2008, through Rector’s Decree Number: 090/SK/2008, the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences at Brawijaya University was formalized with 2 departments and 4 study programs, namely the Department of Sociology with the Sociology Study Program, the Department of Communication Science with the Communication Science Study Program, the Psychology Study Program, and the International Relations Study Program. With the establishment of the Faculty of Social Sciences, the Chair of the Social Sciences Program formed a committee for the election of the Dean through the Program Chair’s Assignment Letter No. 673/J10.1.16/KP/2008 dated April 8, 2008, with the following committee composition:

committee team


No. 673/J10.1.16/KP/2008 dated April 8, 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Achmad Tohari, SS
Secretary: Sutan Rachman WHS, SE
Bendahara: Muktiyatun
members: 1. Agustina Salama, S.Sos.
2. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
3. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi.,M.Psi.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP
3. Fira Amalia
4. Warmo
5. Budiono  

Through a faculty meeting attended by all program heads and civil servant lecturers facilitated by the Dean election committee, the Head of the Social Sciences Program (Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS) was selected to be proposed to the Rector as Dean. Subsequently, with Rector’s Decree No. 094/SK/2008 dated April 15, 2008, Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, MS was appointed and inaugurated as the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences. In an effort to complete the faculty’s organizational structure, it was necessary to have Assistant Deans and department heads. To meet this need, the Dean formed a registration committee for prospective Assistant Deans with Assignment Letter No. 788/J10.1.16/KP/2008 dated May 2, 2008, with the committee composition as follows:

committee team


No. 788/J10.1.16/KP/2008 dated May 2, 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
leader: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
Treasurer: Sutan Rachman WHS, SE
members: 1. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
2. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Muktiyatun
4. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP
Secretariat: 1. Achmad Tohari, SS
2. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
General Assistant: 1. Agustina Salama, S.Sos.
2. Budiono
3. Suriyatmojo  

For the committee for the election and appointment of the Head and Secretary of the Department of Sociology and Communication Studies, through the Dean’s Decree No.041/J10.1.16/SK/2008 dated October 10, 2008, as follows:”

committee team



No.041/J10.1.16/SK/2008 dated 10 October 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
leader: Dr. Mardiono, MPA
Secretary: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
Treasurer: Muktiyatun
members: 1. A. Tohari, SS.
2. Sutan Rachman WHS, SE.
3. Agustina Salama, S.Sos.
Secretariat: 1. Warmi, A.Md.
2. Hadi Sumartono, S.Pd.

2. Organization Structure
In order to fulfill the Organization and Institutional Governance, an organizational structure was established in accordance with the regulations applicable at State Universities at Brawijaya University with Rector’s Decree No. 074/SK/2006.

2.1. Structure of the Social Sciences Program (PIS) in 2007
The Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Social Sciences Program with Program Head Decree No. 01/J10.1.16/SK/2007 dated January 15, 2007, are shown in the image below:

chart not available

Figure 3. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Social Sciences Program in 2007

2.2. Structure of the Social Sciences Program (PIS) in 2008
The Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Social Sciences Program with Program Head Decree No. 03/J10.1.16/SK/2008 dated February 18, 2008, are shown in Figure 4.

chart not available

Figure 4. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Social Sciences Program in 2008

2.3. Struktur Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (FIS) Tahun 2008
The organizational structure and work procedures of the Faculty of Social Sciences are shown in Figure 5.

chart not available

Figure 5. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Faculty of Social Sciences in 2008

2.4. Structure of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) in 2010
The organizational structure and work procedures of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences are shown in Figure 6.

chart not available

Figure 6. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences in 2010

2.5. Structure of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) in 2011
The organizational structure and work procedures of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences are shown in Figure 7.

chart not available

Figure 7. Organizational Structure Organizational Structure and Work Procedures of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, UB in 2011

3. Accreditation of Departments/Study Programs
“In accordance with Dikti regulations, a study program at a university must be accredited, as is the case for the study programs in the Social Sciences Program at UNIBRAW. To meet this requirement, the Program Chair formed a portfolio preparation team for PIS through Assignment Letter No. 367/J10.1.16/KP/2008, March 3, 2008. This portfolio serves as a reference for the study program in creating the study program form. The team composition is as follows:”



No. 367/J10.1.16/KP/2008, March 03, 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial
leader: Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: Ach. Tohari, SS.
Treasurer: Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., M.Si.
members: 1. Akhmad Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos.M.Si.
2. Siswaji, SE
3. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP.
4. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
Pembantu Umum: 1. Budiono
2. Rina Wastika

Due to the limited number of resources and the many activities in PIS, the draft portfolio could not be completed. Therefore, in 2009, the Dean decided to form a new portfolio preparation team in accordance with Assignment Letter No. 2954/J10.1.16/KP/2009, dated December 1, 2009, as follows:



No. 2954/J10.1.16/KP/2009, dated December 1, 2009

Person responsible: Dekan (Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS)
director: 1. Pembantu Dekan II (Dr. Mardiyono Djakfar, MPA)
2. Pembantu Dekan III (Dr. Drs. Suryadi, MS
leader: Pembantu Dekan I (Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS.)
Secretary: 1. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., M.Si.
2. Ari Pratiwi, S.Psi., M.Psi.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Sutan Rahman WHS, SE
3. Siswaji, SE
members: 1. Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi.
2. Drs. M. Sobaruddin, MA
3. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si.
4. Vita Amalia P, S.IP., MA
5. Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA
6. Dra. Rugjatmiasih
7. Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
8. Drs. Imam Wahyuanto
9. Nanik Puji Rahayu, B.Sc.
10. Achmad Tohari, SS
11. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetya, MS
12. Bambang Semedhi, SE

Based on the assignment letter, the team was finally able to complete the portfolio, which was then sent to BAN-PT along with a cover letter from the Rector and the study program evaluation forms for the Sociology and Communication Studies programs.

1. Preparation of Sociology Study Program Forms

In accordance with Dikti regulations, a study program at a university must be accredited, as is the case for the Sociology study program in the Social Sciences Program at UNIBRAW. To meet this requirement, the Program Chair formed a form preparation team for PIS through Assignment Letter No. 621/J10.1.16/KP/2006, dated September 19, 2006. The study program form contains self-evaluation data of the study program. The composition of the Sociology Study Program form preparation team is as follows:



No. 621/J10.1.16/KP/2006, 19 September 2006

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Prof. Dr. Ir. Eliezer Ginting, MS
Wakil Ketua: Siti Kholifah, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sos.
Treasurer: Dian Mutmainah, S.IP.
members: 1. Iwan Nurhadi, S.Sos.
2. Anif Fatma Chawa, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Arif Budi Nugroho, S.Sos.
4. Anton Novenanto, S.Sos.
5. Ahmad Imron Rozuli, SE., MS.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Dwi Setyo Handoko, SP
2. Nur Indah Wati, A.Md.
3. Fira Amalia, A.Md.
4. Sudoko

Tim tersebut belum bisa menyelesaikan boring program studi, sehingga Dekan mengangkat tim baru melalui Surat Tugas No. 381/J10.1.16/KP/2009 tanggal 6 Pebruari 2009 dengan susunan tim sebagai berikut :



No. 381/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated February 6, 2009

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
director: Pembantu Dekan I
leader: Kajur Sosiologi
Secretary: Sekjur. Sosiologi.
members: 1. I Wayan Suyadnya, SP., M.Sops.
2. Indhar Wahyu Wira Harjo
3. Fika Octaria.
general assistant: 1.muktiyatun
2. Yoga Prabowo Sanyoto, S.Pd.
3. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
4. Afnan Syahroni, A.Md.

Based on the assignment letter, the team was able to complete the self-evaluation form, which was then sent to BAN-PT along with a cover letter from the Rector. For the accreditation assessment, a visitation was conducted by the BAN-PT assessor team, namely Prof. Damsar, Ph.D., and Drs. Suherman, M.Sc. According to BAN-PT Decision No. 003/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IV/2009, it was stated that the Sociology Undergraduate Program at Brawijaya University, Malang, was accredited with a C rating, valid for five years from April 11, 2009, to April 11, 2014.

2. Preparation of Communication Science Study Program Forms

The accreditation team for the Communication Studies program was formed simultaneously with the Sociology program through Assignment Letter No. 620/J10.1.16/KP/2006, dated September 19, 2006. The members of the formulating team for the Communication Studies Program are as follows:



Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS
leader: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
Treasurer: Muktiyatun
members: 1. Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Nurkholis.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Achmad Tohari, SS.
2. Warmi, A.Md.
3. Budiono.
4. Rina Wastika, A.Md.
5. Suryatmojo

The first accreditation team for the Communication Studies program encountered difficulties in completing their tasks, and thus were unable to finish the program’s accreditation form. Based on the evaluation results, the Dean eventually appointed a new team through Assignment Letter No. 495/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated February 23, 2009, with the following team composition:



Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sugiyanto, MS
leader: Anang Sujoko, S.Sos., M.Si.
Secretary: 1. Dr. Bambang Dwi Prasetyo, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Desi Dwi Prianti, S.Sos.
Treasurer: Muktiyatun
members: 1. Rachmat Kriyantono, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Akh. Muwafik Saleh, S.Sos., M.Si.
3. Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
4. Endang Mirasari, S.Sos.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Nurkholis.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Achmad Tohari, SS.
2. Warmi, A.Md.
3. Budiono.
4. Rina Wastika, A.Md.
5. Suryatmojo

Based on the assignment letter, the team was able to complete the self-evaluation form, which was then sent to BAN-PT through a cover letter from the Rector. For the accreditation assessment, a visitation was conducted by BAN-PT assessors, Dr. Engkus Kuswara, MS, and Dr. Asep Kurtiwa, MS. According to BAN-PT Decision No. 002/BAN-PT/Ak-XII/S1/IV/2009, it was stated that the Bachelor’s Program in Communication Studies at Brawijaya University, Malang, was accredited with a B rating, valid for five years, from April 2, 2009, to April 2, 2014

Development of the Faculty of Social Sciences

1. Establishment of Political Science Study Program

To meet the needs of stakeholders and in accordance with the work program that the Social Sciences Program is the embryo of the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, the Program Chair expressed a desire to establish a new study program, namely the Political Science Program. In this regard, the Chair of the Social Sciences Program formed a proposal drafting team with Assignment Letter No. 879/J10.1.16/KP/2007 dated November 1, 2007, as follows:



No. 879/J10.1.16/KP/2007 Date 01 November 2007

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Leni Winarni, S.IP., M.Si.
Secretary: Fitri Hariana Oktaviani, SS
Treasurer: Sutan Rachman WHS, SE
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Rina Wastika, A.Md.
members: 1. Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Henny Rosalinda, S.IP
3. Wawan Sobari, S.IP, MA
4. Dian Mutmainah, S.IP.
5. Mely Noviryani, S.Sos.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Sudoko
2. Hadi Sumartono

For the first time, the team held a meeting, but encountered difficulties because some members resigned from the proposal drafting team. As a result, the team was unable to complete the proposal for the establishment of the Political Science study program. Seeing this situation, on January 18, 2008, the Program Chair formed a new team as a follow-up to the first drafting team with Assignment Letter No. 099/J10.1.16/KP/2008.



No. 099/J10.1.16/KP/2008 Dated January 18, 2008

Person responsible: Ketua Program Ilmu Sosial (Prof.Dr.Ir.H.Darsono Wisadirana,MS)
leader: Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA
Treasurer: Muktiyatun, A.Md.
Secretariat: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Sigid David Pahala
members: 1. Antoni, S.Sos., M.Si.
2. Drs. Amir Hasan Ramli, Psi., M.Si.
3. Vita Amalia P., S.IP., MA
4. Dian Mutmainah, S.IP.
5. Mely Noviryani, S.Sos.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Siswaji, SE
2. Sigit Krisdiyanto, S.Sos.
3. Warmi, A.Md.

After the team was formed, the drafting team conducted a feasibility study for the establishment of the study program. After several months, they successfully completed the proposal for the establishment. However, unexpectedly, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences had already submitted a proposal for the establishment of a study program named Government Politics. Meanwhile, the Social Sciences Program also submitted the establishment proposal with a cover letter from the Rector no. 1026/J10/AK/2008 dated March 31, 2008. Finally, according to the agreement of both parties, the Social Sciences Program withdrew and did not process the proposal documents that had already been sent. On June 6, 2008, Dikti sent a letter no. 1339/D2.2/2008 regarding the proposal for the opening of new study programs at Brawijaya University, stating: following up on the Rector’s letters no. 0778/A10/AK/2008 dated March 8, 2008, and no. 0830/J10/AK/2008 dated March 11, 2008, that the Government Politics study program (S1) was not included in the SK Dirjen Dikti No. 163/DIKTI/Kep./2007 dated November 29, 2007. Based on this letter, the Rector sent a letter to Dikti on August 1, 2008, no. 2633/J10/LL/2008 stating that the proposal for the establishment of the political science study program submitted by the Faculty of Administrative Sciences was rejected by Dirjen Dikti because it did not match the scientific cluster in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences. Meanwhile, in point 2, it was stated that the opening of the political science study program was proposed by the Faculty of Social Sciences and had received the agreement of both parties (FIS and FIA). Seeing the copy of the letter sent by the Rector, the Dean of FIS followed up with Dikti and simultaneously inquired about the documents that had been sent regarding the opening of the new study program, namely the political science study program from the Social Sciences Program. On August 29, 2008, through Dikti’s letter no. 2297/D2.2/2008, the proposal for the opening of the political science study program submitted by UB received a response from Dikti, which mentioned the need for revisions. These include: 1) An in-depth and focused analysis of the interest and needs of graduates, as well as a real job prospect analysis for graduates, using valid data from the last 5 years and predictions for the next 5-10 years. 2) The competencies of graduates should be outlined with the abilities as “what” and the substance of the study as “how,” presented in a matrix form, including main competencies, supporting competencies, and other competencies linked to competency elements. The curriculum and learning process should be elaborated to achieve these competencies, referring to SK Mendiknas No. 232/U/2000 and SK Mendiknas No. 045/U/2002. 3) The proposed permanent lecturers are still lacking 3 S1 graduates with educational backgrounds relevant to the proposed study program. 4) A list of library book collections should be attached, including titles, authors’ names, publishers’ names, publication years, and the number of copies, referring to the attachment of SK Mendiknas no. 234/U/2000.

Based on the copied letter, the Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences reformed the team on November 10, 2008, no. 2216/J10.1.16/KP/2008 with the following composition:



No. 2216/J10.1.16/KP/2008 Dated November 10, 2008

Person responsible: Dekan Fakultas Ilmu Sosial
leader: Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA
Treasurer: Sutan Rachman WHS, SE.
members: 1. Prof.Dr.Ir.Sanggar Kanto, MS.
2. Dr. Mardiyono Djafar, MPA.
3. A. Faishal Aminuddin, SS., M.Si.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Siswaji, SE
2. Yoga Prabowo S, S.Pd.
3. Sugeng Hadi Santoso

After much hard work, the team finally completed the revised proposal for the establishment of the political science study program in accordance with Dikti’s regulations. The revision process was carried out by Prof. Dr. Ir. Darsono Wisadirana, Wawan Sobari, MA, and Sugeng Hadi Santoso over a period of two weeks. Subsequently, with a cover letter from the Rector, the proposal was sent to Dikti. On February 6, 2009, with Dikti Decree No. 141/D/T/2009, the Political Science Study Program received its operational permit, with Wawan Sobari, S.IP., MA appointed as the Head of the Study Program, as per Rector’s Decree No. 257/SK/2008 dated October 20, 2008.


With the establishment of the Political Science Study Program in the Faculty of Social Sciences, it was proposed to change the name from the Faculty of Social Sciences to the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. This proposal was sent by the Dean to the Rector, who then issued a decree on April 8, 2009, No. 102/SK/2009, to rename FIS to FISIP. However, there was a typo in the decree, stating “Faculty of Social and Political Sciences” instead of “Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.” Based on this, the Dean sent another request to the Rector to correct the name to “Faculty of Social and Political Sciences.” Finally, through the latest Rector’s Decree No. 169/SK/2009 dated May 14, 2009, this change was made. This change impacted the number of students in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences at Brawijaya University Malang in 2009, which consisted of 2 departments and 5 study programs, totaling 2,273 students. The breakdown is as follows: Sociology Department 425 students (15.33%), Communication Science Department 1,083 students (39.06%), Psychology Study Program 340 students (12.26%), International Relations 319 students (11.50%), and Political Science Study Program 106 students (3.82%). In its 5th year, the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences has actively contributed to the development of science, technology, and arts. Public interest in the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences is very high, and many collaborations have been established with various institutions to achieve quality that can compete nationally and internationally, thereby enhancing the dignity and prestige of the Indonesian nation.

3. Establishment of Government Science Study Program

The establishment of the Government Science Study Program began with the Dean of FISIP’s desire to open the program. This was based on high demand from the public and the desire of the people in eastern Indonesia to collaborate and continue their studies in government science. To realize this desire, the Dean gathered FISIP lecturers, especially from the Political Science and International Relations Study Programs, to hold a meeting to discuss the possibility of establishing a government science study program. The meeting concluded with an agreement to establish a new undergraduate government science study program by forming a proposal drafting team. Based on the suggestion of the Assistant Dean II (Dr. Mardiyono, MPA), the Dean formed the proposal drafting team for the establishment of the Government Science Study Program with Dean’s Decree No. 20/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated April 23, 2009, as follows:




SK. No. 20/J10.1.16/SK/2009 Dated April 23, 2009

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
leader : Prof. Dr. Solichin Abdul Wahab, MA., Ph.D
Wakil Ketua: Drs. Tjahjanulin Domai, MS
Secretary: Dr. Mardiyono, MPA
Treasurer: Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
members: 1. Dr. Imam Hanafi, MS
2. Kanthi Nastiti, S.Sos., MA
3. Nike Kusumawanti, S.Sos., MA
4. Bambang Semedhi, SE
5. Dra. Rugjatmiasih
Pembantu Umum: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Budi Astuti, A.Md.
3. Yoga Prabowo, S.Pd.
4. Warmo, SH
5. Fitria Sekar Sari Yusuf, SAB

The first coordination meeting was held at the Joint Lecture Building to discuss the draft proposal prepared by the Dean and Sugeng Hadi Santoso. The result of the coordination meeting was a draft completed with a curriculum. The meeting also identified several obstacles related to the plan to open the Government Science Study Program because the Faculty of Administrative Sciences also wanted to establish a study program named Government Administration Science. To perfect the proposal preparation, each team member was assigned tasks. However, some members could not complete their tasks on time, and there was a request from the Dean of FIA for the Dean of FISIP not to issue a decree appointing FIA lecturers as the proposal drafting team for the Government Science study program. In response to this request, the Dean of FISIP revoked the decree and issued an Assignment Letter while revising the proposal drafting team No. 983/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated April 23, 2009.




letter of assignment 983/J10.1.16/KP/2009 dated 23 april 2009

Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
director: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
leader: Prof. Dr. Solichin Abdul Wahab, MA., Ph.D
Wakil Ketua: Drs. Tjahjanulin Domai, MS
Secretary: Dr. Mardiyono, MPA
Treasurer: Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
members: 1. Kanthi Nastiti, S.Sos., MA
2. Nike Kusumawanti, S.Sos., MA
3. Bambang Semedhi, SE
4. Dra. Rugjatmiasih
Pembantu Umum: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Budi Astuti, A.Md.
3. Yoga Prabowo, S.Pd.
4. Warmo, SH
5. Fitria Sekar Sari Yusuf, SAB

The team continued the activity of drafting the proposal for the establishment of the Government Science study program, and after several months, the proposal was completed. However, the Rector was not yet willing to send the proposal because a meeting between the Dean of FISIP and the Dean of FIA was still needed to discuss the proposals made by FISIP and FIA due to similarities. In this regard, the Rector summoned the Dean of FISIP along with the proposal drafting team and the Dean of FIA along with the proposal drafting team. The result of the meeting was an agreement that the Dean of FIA would make a proposal for Government Administration Science, and FISIP would continue to make a proposal for the Government Science study program. However, each faculty was not allowed to send the proposal for the establishment of the study program without the approval of both faculties. A few months after the meeting with the Rector, FISIP sent the proposal for the establishment of the Government Science study program through a cover letter on behalf of the Rector (Vice Rector I) No. 3829/J10/AK/2009. Three months after sending the proposal, Dikti responded to the proposal for the establishment of the Government Science study program at the undergraduate level at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences by sending letter No. 0020/D2.2/2009 dated January 7, 2010, which explained that the establishment of the Government Science study program at the undergraduate level had already met the minimum requirement for the number of lecturers. In this regard, FISIP did not make any revisions. To obtain a Competency-Based Government Science curriculum, FISIP held a curriculum seminar. For the seminar activities, the Dean formed the Curriculum Seminar Committee for the Government Science Study Program with the Dean’s Assignment Letter No. 1980/H10.11/LL/2010 as follows:

committee team

Workshop on Competency-Based Curriculum Development


Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
leader: Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
Secretary: Dra. Rugjatmiasih
members: 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
2. Prof. Dr. Solichin Abdul Wahab, MA., Ph.D
3. Dr. Mardiyono, MPA
4. Dr. Imam Hanafi, MS
5. Dr. Drs. Suryadi, MS
6. Drs. Tjahjanulin, Domai
7. Drs. Efraim Luturmas, MM
Treasurer: Ike Sophia Hanna, S.Sos.
Kesekretarian: 1. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
2. Fitria Sekar Sari Yusuf, SAB
3. Rosana Wahyuni Sutikno, SE
4. Galuh Ayu Savitri, S.I.Kom
5. Andini, S.Sos.
Pembantu Umum: 1. Achmad Tohari, SS
2. Suriyatmojo
3. Sunarko
4. Warmi, A.Md
5. Muktiyatun

The seminar was held at the UB Rectorate Building, 8th floor, on July 5, 2010. The seminar was attended by two speakers, Prof. Dr. Utang Soewirjo, MA from UNPAD and Prof. Dr. Taliziduhu Ndraha from IPDN, and two discussants (Prof. Dr. Mas’oed Said, Ph.D from UMM, and Dr. Tjahjanulin Domari from FIA UB as a replacement for Prof. Dr. Solichin Abdul Wahab). The participants of this seminar included representatives from Malang City Government/DPRD, Malang Regency Government/DPRD, Batu City Government, Political Science lecturers from FISIP UB, International Relations lecturers from FISIP UB, FIA UB lecturers, and Permanent Lecturers of Government Science from FISIP UB. In connection with the submission of a proposal for the establishment of the Government Administration study program by FIA, FISIP and FIA received a letter from Dikti, No. 0217/D2.2/2010 dated February 1, 2010, requesting a detailed explanation from the Rector regarding the learning outcomes achieved by graduates of the Bachelor’s program in Government Science and the Bachelor’s program in Government Administration. To respond to the request from the Director General of Higher Education, the Dean formed a proposal revision team for the Government Science study program, specifically to address Dikti’s request, through the Dean’s Assignment Letter No. 3055/H10.11/AK/2010.




Person responsible: Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Darsono Wisadirana, MS
leader :Dr. Mardiyono, MPA

Secretary: Budi Astuti, A.Md.
Treasurer: Budi Astuti, A.Md.
members: 1. Prof. Dr. Ir. Sanggar Kanto, MS
2. Sugeng Hadi Santoso
General Assistant: 1. Harvard Ingriwati, SAB
2. Fitria Sekarsari Y, SAB

Based on the assignment letter, the Rector and Vice Rector I requested that both faculties meet as soon as possible to find the best solution so that both study programs could operate according to their respective fields. The meeting was held on the 7th floor of the central office, attended by the Rector and Vice Rector I. In this meeting, the Dean of FISIP assigned Vice Dean II (Dr. Mardiyono, MPA) and an academic staff member (Sugeng Hadi Santoso), who was also a member of the proposal drafting team. During the meeting, the Rector and Vice Rector I explained that both study programs must be able to clarify the learning outcomes related to the existing curriculum and that there must be a distinction between the curricula of Government Science and Government Administration Science. Therefore, each faculty exchanged opinions regarding the curricula of the two study programs, and it turned out that the curricula were different. The meeting also agreed on the number of lecturers required, which included two lecturers with master’s degrees and four lecturers with bachelor’s degrees. After coordinating between the Dean and the team, the Learning Outcomes for the Government Science Study Program were completed and sent to Dikti. In connection with the new regulation effective from January 1, 2010, stating that all new study program openings and revision processes must be conducted online, FISIP followed this new regulation in the revision process.
In accordance with the regulation, the team finally sent the revision along with the learning outcomes via email to Dikti. To follow up on the submission, the Dean of FISIP (Prof. Dr. Ir. Dasrsono Wisadirana, MS) and Sugeng Hadi Santoso went to Dikti to inquire about the implementation permit, bringing the learning outcomes that had previously been sent to Dikti via the new program email. Approximately six months after handling the permit, the Government Science Study Program received the implementation permit for the establishment of the Government Science Study Program through a cover letter from the Director General of Higher Education No. 1738/D1.3/TK/2011 dated January 6, 2011, regarding the Delivery of a Copy of the Minister of National Education’s Decree No. 259/D/O/2010 dated December 31, 2010, stating that the Government Science Study Program had obtained the Implementation Permit.