Dosen Ilmu Pemerintahan UB Paparkan Fenomena Sosial Keagamaan Indonesia di Universitas Sains Islam Malaysia
Kilas Balik FISIP 2024: Kukuhkan Dua Guru Besar
SMAN 1 Waru Sidoarjo's Visit to FISIP, Expanding Students' Insight into the Campus World
Kilas Balik FISIP 2024: Raih Akreditasi Unggul untuk Seluruh Program Studi
FISIP 2024 Flashback: The Story of the History Maker Who Won the First Gold Medal at PIMNAS
Dosen Sosiologi UB Jadi Pembicara di Forum Internasional Advokasi Kelompok Penyandang Disabilitas
Bantuan Keuangan

Pengajuan Keringanan


Tuition fees are all the funding that must be paid by students for the organization, development, and administrative services of academics. Education costs often become a problem for students because the ideal payment system for tuition fees is not properly implemented. The lack of regulations for UKT fees for students who exceed the normative study period in some campuses that apply the UKT payment system is one of the issues that need solutions from policymakers. Therefore, to obtain education, students have to spend a considerable amount of money.

The determination of UKT (Single Tuition Fee) is based on Permendikbud No. 55 of 2013. UKT is defined as part of the single tuition fee borne by each student based on their economic ability. UKT is determined based on BKT (Operational Costs per student per semester in study programs at public universities) minus the costs borne by the government (BOPTN).

Relief can occur if there is a change in the economic ability of the student’s parents or other parties financing them. For example, if the parent who is financing the student gets laid off (PHK), they can suddenly no longer afford to pay and can apply for UKT relief. If the university had previously set a certain UKT amount but the student is unable to pay it during their studies, this obligation can be revised. This does not mean it has to remain the same, as high UKT rates can be reduced according to the student’s ability. Further provisions regarding UKT relief or its revision are regulated by the leadership of the State University (PTN), namely the rector or director.

In the administration of education at State Universities (PTN) under the Ministry of Education and Culture, the implementation of Single Tuition Fee (UKT) has been regulated based on the Minister of Research, Technology, and Higher Education Regulation Number 39 of 2017 concerning Single Tuition Fee and Single Tuition Fee at State Universities within the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education (“Permenristekdikti 39/2017”).


implementation objectives

a.     Avoid students who are forced to take leave or drop out due to inability to pay UKT.

b.     Providing relief to students who have taken the thesis exam according to the specified time limit;

c.      Providing support to students to pass the thesis exam more quickly